by RisingEQ | Oct 23, 2018 | Emotional Intelligence
About The Emotionally Effective Leader Workshop The Emotionally Effective Leader Workshop is a comprehensive interactive one-day workshop for executives, managers, and supervisors. In this engaging workshop, you have group activities and individual reflective...
by RisingEQ | Oct 19, 2018 | Blog
Add a mental check-in to your to-do list everydayResearch suggests that many people do not specifically know their emotions in any given situations beyond “I feel bad” or “I feel good”. Make a commitment to add a mental check in everyday. Add...
by RisingEQ | Oct 19, 2018 | Blog
Change something everyday out of your normal patterns to improve adaptabilityWe are creatures of habit, so our brains tend to resist change. Many people feel comfortable doing the same thing over and over again and feel stressed when they have to do something...